Wednesday, April 05, 2006

My Wednesday Nights Lately

Wednesday nights are for refreshing my spirit. I go to church after working all day and get replenished, come home, and feel great to end the rest of the week. But lately...

My church has been getting out at 9 pm (when it's usually 8:30), and even though it's only 30 minutes difference, that's a big deal when you have a two and four year-old that you have to feed, bathe, and put to bed!

Tonight they got to bed at 10pm...and that was with me RUSHING! "Hurry up and eat, hurry up and bathe, hurry up with going to bed, sorry...can't help you with that homework tonight." I feel horrible rushing them like that!!!! Either I have to tell my pastor he should really consider the time, or I'll have to sit in the back for the "inconspicuous escape" at 8:30.

More than likely, it'll be the latter.

Good night.

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