Monday, February 02, 2009

25 Random Things About Thais!

  1. I am a Christian, and at one time when I was younger, my parents considered becoming Jehovah Witnesses. (Imagine me knocking on your door! LOL)
  2. I have two middle names, one from my mom and one from my dad.
  3. I was born almost two weeks late, and have been late to everything ever since!
  4. I am a Professional Photographer, my work can be seen on my website at:
  5. I found a prayer-style that works fantastically for me!
  6. Up until 11th grade, I spelled my name "Tyais" to help people pronounce it more correctly.
  7. I was almost kidnapped when I was eight. I lied to my mother and told her he was a skinny black guy, when he was really a fat white guy. WTH!
  8. In 1992 right after Hurricane Andrew in Miami, I saw a UFO. It’s nothing to boast about, so I really don’t talk about it.
  9. I LOVE playing video games, always have!
  10. I believe THE RIGHT VIDEO GAMES CAN EDUCATE our children and expand their minds.
  11. Until about 12 years old, I wanted to be a robotics engineer. 11b. I LOVE electronics!
  12. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE music, but can never remember the lyrics to any song.
  13. If you ever overheard me talking with God, you would swear I was having a conversation with someone. I am!
  14. God showed me who my husband was going to be before we even started dating.
  15. I don’t mind asking a guy out. I think waiting for him to ask me out is passé. I did it with my last boyfriend, and now we’re married. ;)
  16. I have a burning desire to use my voice for something. I believe God will let me know when and what for.
  17. I believe God gives us desires so we can define who we are.
  18. I used to beat up boys in elementary school, and was suspended quite a few times for it.
  19. My parents would send me to computer camp during the Summer, and I wouldn’t tell anyone how nerdy I was.
  20. Me and my best friends would practice dancing to the songs that came on “The Box” in front of the mirrored wall in my house.
  21. I would love to be an actress on a sitcom.
  22. I want to be able to bend time and space like Hiro Nakamura from “Heroes.”
  23. I just learned how to play Sudoku and I love it.
  24. I believe there are no coincidences.
  25. I believe everyone deserves a chance to prove themselves.

“However, as it is written: "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him"—” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

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