Tuesday, June 19, 2007

My Church Visit

I went to visit a church tonight in which I never visited, and OMGoodness, it's one of the places were the Bishop calls you out!
The Bishop said that God told him to pick 17 people tonight, so he called this lady to the front, and while he was talking with her, he looked up at me.

The Bishop, looked over at me and said the young lady in the light pink shirt come up. (So I'm the second person he ministered to) I walked up and when he was finished ministering to the woman in front of him, he walked toward me and siad that God has placed a word in me; doors have been shut for the past year, but God was going to lift the lid right off in the next three days. He said that I have passed the test and the Lord was pleased with me. He said I keep hearing "Teacher, teacher, teacher." God has heard your prayers and He's listening to you.

All the while he's talking to me, I'm looking intensely into his eyes to let him know that I am paying attention to his words. Anyway, he places oil on my hands and forehead and prays for me. I don't remember what he says, but I know it was all good stuff. LORD, PLEASE INCREASE MY MEMORY!

My thoughts: Teacher is the gifting that is on my life. I LOVE to teach, but it's in a more different way than most teachers out there. I teach by breaking things down. I lke things broken down so that you get the understanding and the application.

Anyway: There was a guy there tonight that had some kind of demons that were trying to have him commit suicide, and I guess they were casted out of him, but as the Bishop was standing in front of him and talking directly to him, the boy started shaking, it almost looked like his was about to have a convulsion. Then the Bishop slapped him on the forehead after telling the demons to come out of Him in the name of Jesus, and the boy fell to the floor, and people gathered around praying for him.

Oh, so later, he's walking around the church ministering to people and walks past me and hands me his face towel and tells me to never wash it. OK, so immediately I think, I gotta place this in a frame or something, or it's gonna get washed. Then at the end of the night, about 30 more minutes later he's handing out about nine or ten vials of annointing oil and I get one of them. At least I felt special for the moment. Now, where do I keep the oil?

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word,” (Ephesians 5:25-26)

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