It took three days to get back home, but I'm here! It's AMAZING how I spent three days at two different airports and I still have my sanity! did it go? Well, first impression is that it represents a well-organized cattle-call. My brother came with me, which made the waiting and the anxiousness more bearable (Thank you Ez). After waiting in a long line, you go into a make-shift room where you watch a video on what to expect during your're not allowed to make conversation with them to see what they think about your product, because they can't give feedback; you're not allowed to ask them any questions, you know, feeling them out, blah, blah, blah. So after that, we are moved to wait in another line to make sure our paperwork has been properly filled out and turned in, and then we move to our last line before we are instructed to go to a table for our setup. It was neat, looking around at all the inventions and products people were pitching to QVC. I seen some extreme marketing techniques for a not so extreme product and well...some really good marketing for something that is just a simple private label product.
One of the big questions that QVC wants to know is, "How does your product solve a problem?" I didn't have difficulty answering that one, but as I looked around, a lot of people didn't have problem-solvers, they just had a line of hats, glasses, make-up, socks, etc. So do I have an enge on those people? Humm, whatever!
I left pretty confident that they weren't going to be calling me to be on QVC, but knowing that one day I will be on there with Patches. Okay, I'm not being hard on myself, I'm being "Realistic!" I'm definitely am not one of those people with false expectations, so hear me out. QVC says it without saying it, that they are looking for people who have done 85% of the work already, which includes having a massive amount of product in storage, ready to go! not. I am still in the "looking for a manufacturer's stage." Actually, I'm going to New York in June to meet with a few! Please pray that God shows me the right company to do my business with.
“ The fool says in his heart, "There is no God." They are corrupt, their deeds are vile; there is no one who does good.” (Psalm 14:1)
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