It was Thursday or Friday that I prayed to God... this is what I said: "Lord, you know that it was difficult this year for me to get this degree in Theology. I have papers to write every month, I have to read different books every month, I have a full-time job, two kids and a husband (both of which have their needs) and I don't know if I should go back to school to finish getting my Bachelor's degree. If you want me to go, send me just one red rose."
Fast-Forward To Today
My co-worker brought her daughter Kallie (about 12 years old) to work so they can take the afternoon off to go shopping. Well Kallie was going around the office saying "Hi" to people. She went to say 'hello' to one of the ladies, Lisa, who was busy getting ready for a meeting. Lisa said that she didn't want to appear sharp to Kallie, so she quickly asked God, how can I handle this. She then told Kallie, that she was really busy, but she can take a flower from her vase. Kallie said she didn't want it, but Lisa insisted. Lisa had a beautiful bouquet of red carnations and roses, she clipped Kallie a rose and gave it to her. Kallie then, came straight to my office and gave it to me! I gasped and had to fight back tears... saying "Is that for me?" I was basically freaked out and told her and her mom the story. I also shared the story with Lisa, and that's how I found out how Kallie got the rose. I told Lisa, that was confirmation for her also, that she did the right thing!
I want to tell the world... "Thank You Lord!"
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. This is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples.” (John 15:5,8)
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