I went to church last night and I'd have to say that it started right at tithing time. I shouldn't tell you this, but I usually give $30 every Wednesday and Sunday. And sometimes I would even give as high as $110, if I felt moved to. Well tonight, I really prayed that God would drop in my spirit the amount that He thought I should sow seed with. So I gave $50! I don't know about you.... but that's a bold step of faith for me to give $50 on a Wednesday. Normally, if I gave that kind of amount... it would be on a Sunday. (I don't know why, no logic, just used to giving more on Sunday's.) And it seemed that tonight, the Pastor said a different prayer over our tithing, it seemed very much like it was a true test of our faith for some reason. I can't explain it, it just wasn't his normal tithing prayer. Anyway, back on the ranch... the sermon goes on, which BTW was about not just going to church and becoming gluttonous off The Word, but coming to church to get fed, and realizing that we need to spread our food with other people who didn't come to the table to eat. Going out and ministering to people, not just always being ministered to!
Okay, anyway after the sermon, I'm hanging around talking (for about 45 mins.), conducting a little business with Tony for the church's television graphics and I go in to tell pastor he did a great job and he tells me that I owe him lunch. I say "What?" and he repates it. I told him he must has some good news for me, and he kept repeating that I owe him lunch. I told him "Let's go, where am I taking you?" Of course he names the restaurant that you would name 'playfully' if you wanted the 'most expensive restaurant with the least amount of food.' So I told him, "It's done!" He told me to call his personal secretary tomorrow and that's what I'm gonna do!
“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23)
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