Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Letter From My Heart

Here is the email that I sent J thanking her for listening to God.


I am sending this email to thank you again. I have been telling anyone and everyone that would listen about how God is talking and most importantly, people are listening. It’s truly AMAZING when you feel that God tells you “not to worry about…” and you REALLY DON’T WORRY and in turn, He REALLY DOES take care of you. And in our situation, God told me not to worry about the finances of bible college and He spoke through you. J, whether you contribute for a semester or a year, the most important thing is that you listened to God and you were obedient. I know there were a hundred different ways you could have spent your money, but you chose to invest in God’s kingdom, and I can’t thank you enough. You have not only given me a scholarship, but you have increased my faith and opened my heart more than before. And of course, because you listened to Him, there are blessing coming your way.

Thank you again and may God bless you.

J wrote me back saying:


You are so welcome. One thing that I have learned during my Christian journey is to be obedient. When the Lord speaks, I listen. :-) I've had experiences in the past where I didn't listen and obey, and I did suffer the consequences. As long as the Lord continues to bless me financially, I plan to pay your tuition for the year. Continue on the path that you're on. Things certainly aren't always going to be easy, but the Lord will be with you every step of the way. I pray that you are a tithe payer. No matter what your circumstance may be, always pay your tithes. I have a horror story about skipping that "one" time too. I'll tell you about that another time. Anyway, I could go on and on but duty calls. Let me know if there is ever anything I can do to help you.

Good Luck with your school work and may God abundantly bless you and your family.

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