Sunday, December 02, 2007

Time to Pray for Someone

Okay, strange thing...I was working a photography event last night, and the people at the event were eating, so my assistant and I were just sitting down talking. Not much talking, just a little conversation here and there, in between a lot of silence. Then, out of no where, I started thinking about something that a young lady did to me that I did not appreciate AT ALL. Not only did I feel that what she did was trifling, but it was so silly and small, that she really could have come to me and apologized about it, but she never did. So anyway, apparently, I'm getting hot about it all over again, so I turn to my assistant and say, "I have to tell you what this young lady did to me..." Now keep in mind, this incident happened about a year ago, lol.

So I tell my assistant the story and never said the young lady's name until the very end of the story. So my assistant looks at me and says, "is her last name xyz?" And I said "yeees, that's her." And she said "oh my goodness, what made you think about that since it happened so long ago." I said "I don't know, it just came across my mind." Then my assistant shares with me that the young lady had been going through some trouble over the past year or so, and lost her job. So then I told my assistant, "oh I get it...I'm supposed to pray for her."

Okay, so I'm stopping the story here to say that this is the pivotal point where I personally understand that "things" just don't cross your mind out of the blue. They are planted there. I believe that God wants me to pray for this young lady. But how can I? She's not going to come up to me and say, "Hey Thais, will you pray for me?" So the next best thing is to find someone who knows her and is familiar enough with her situation to tell me, so that I can know to pray for her. I know, it sounds weird, but that's just how "out-the-box" God is!

Love ya,